Have you ever seen people, businesses, or creative expressions and wonder where did it all begin???
I have often heard the wise words, "Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle, or your middle to someone else's end". That can be really hard or practically impossible to do when you rarely see the beginning of the changes and only see the middle or end.
When I was dreaming up this business and brand it was very important to me to share from the very beginning to wherever this journey takes us.
I naturally can be very opinionated about what I think "should" happen. What makes sense in the timeline of first, next, last. Unfortunately, things don't always happen the way they "should" or in the pre-conceived "right order".
I am trying to open myself to any possibility and being flexible on how and when I take the next step. A very good friend of mine reminds me in life it is many times your best is just figuring out what is the one next right step. Life moves forward in the right direction by taking one tiny step forward over and over and over.
I have been given the gift of receiving encouragement, tips, and words of wisdom from some very successful business owners. The thing I keep hearing over and over is just Keep Going, Keep Showing Up, Keep Moving Forward.
With all of that being said, I am going to try and push all the "shoulds" to the background.... and keep taking all the twists and turns... one step at a time.
What are you dealing with by taking it one step at a time?